"Government Must Slap Penalty": Edward Snowden On Aadhaar Data Misuse

Edward Snowden said that it's a myth that youngsters are not concerned about privacy
Snowden has said.Addressing an event via video-conference, he said that if Indian government was serious about implementing Aadhaar for
public good, it must ensure "criminal penalty" against anyone misusing the data.Mass surveillance system would look like Aadhaar as it
creates systemisation of society, he told the fifth edition of 'Talk Journalism' event organised here last weekend.Systemisation of society
question the surveillance issue, he said that no government will say that it has decided that "you don't have rights"
They would rather say that they are bringing in a new programme that will safeguard people's rights and protect them.Mr Snowden said that
it's a myth that youngsters are not concerned about privacy
privacy it's the government that needs to explain why people don't need rights.The former USA secret agency CIA employee said that "we have
privacy issues" because it helps those who violate it