Mike Pompeo's Visit Scrapped After Hostile Letter From North Korea

trip to North Korea last weekend was cancelled after he received what US officials deemed to be a belligerent letter from Pyongyang, The
Washington Post reported.The precise contents of the letter, which came from Kim Yong Chol, vice chairman of North Korea's ruling party,
were not known, the Post said.Pompeo received it Friday and showed it to President Donald Trump
They concluded it was belligerent enough to call off the visit, the Post said late Monday, quoting two administration officials.In pulling
reports that North Korea has done little or nothing to roll back its nuclear program, despite promises made at a historic summit in June
with Kim Jong Un.Trump also blasted China for not doing enough to help push denuclearization, but left open the possibility of a Pompeo trip
to Pyongyang when the US-China trading relationship is "resolved."China on Tuesday rejected the "completely irresponsible" accusation that
Beijing was not doing enough."I'm willing to point out again, the US's characterisation goes against the truth, and is completely
on the Korean peninsula, she said, noting however that the deal struck between Kim and Trump at their summit in June "does not seem to be
smooth sailing".Hua urged all parties to "reflect on themselves to figure out why, and not repeatedly swing back and forth".Kim is set to
meet South Korean President Moon Jae-in next month for their third summit this year
TheIndianSubcontinent staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)