French Actor Gerard Depardieu Faces Rape Investigation, Denies Wrongdoing

Paris prosecutor over accusations of rape and sexual assault, a judicial source said - though the prominent French actor denies any
wrongdoing, according to his lawyer.One of France's most prolific actors, Depardieu, 69, has been in around 170 movies through his career
and gained international recognition in 1990 with his starring role in the English language comedy "Green Card"."I can confirm a complaint
was registered on August 27 in the jurisdiction of the Aix-en-Provence prosecutor
The case was passed on to the Paris prosecutor," the source said.French media said the complaint had been lodged by a 22-year-old French
actress.A lawyer for Depardieu dismissed the accusations
"Gerard Depardieu denies any wrongdoing
He will cooperate in the investigation and will answer questions," Herve Temime told BFM television.Depardieu, he added, was "shaken" by the
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