By Eric LamIs the rise of Bitcoin analogous to the spread of an infectious disease
Analysts at Barclays Plc saw enough similarities to
develop a pricing model for the cryptocurrency that takes its cues from the world of epidemiology
Their diagnosis: Bitcoin has probably peaked.
The Barclays model divides the pool of potential Bitcoin investors into three groups:
susceptible, infected and immune
Eventually, this leads to a plateauing of prices, and progressively, as random shocks to the larger supply population push up the ratio of
sellers to buyers, prices begin to fall
into price declines are the share of the population aware of the cryptocurrency and the share willing to invest (susceptible to infection),
Evidence from surveys in developed economies suggests that awareness is nearly universal and that the susceptible population is small, the
analysts wrote.
While the cryptocurrency bounced back from past price collapses in 2011 and 2013, the high level of awareness this time
around signals Bitcoin may never return to its peak of nearly $20,000 in December, according to the Barclays model