"Told Daddy, Don't Do This": Hyderabad Teen's Horror Story At Home

Eight years ago, this man had married her widowed mother and virtually adopted her two children
In April, after the 13-year-old had her first periods, he sexually assaulted her when the mother was away at work and told her she must not
tell anyone and if she did he would not look after them anymore
Srujana cried and told her not to leave her alone at home as 'daddy' had assaulted her
When the mother confronted her husband, he first accused Srujana of lying and then fell at their feet seeking forgiveness, saying he was
under the influence of alcohol and drugs
me, kicked me for telling my mother
I locked myself in the bathroom but he broke open the door
He beat me with a belt and tried to force himself on me,'' she told TheIndianSubcontinent.Did neighbours not hear her screams since the
family lived in a crowded lower middle class locality in Hyderabad "They may have heard but did not come to help me, perhaps out of fear
Neighbours don't know he is not my biological father; even my younger brother doesn't know,'' the girl said.On that day Srujana's mother
returned early as she was not convinced by her's husband's explanation that he was at the bank when she called him
He had threatened Srujana and told her to cover herself and act as though she was sleeping
But her mother realised what had happened when she saw her daughter brutalised and crying
Her husband dared her to go out and tell the world
Both, mother and daughter immediately went to the police station."We had to go to three different police stations, after which my complaint
was registered,'' the young girl said
After the complaint was filed, the 'step-father' went missing
Later he tried to contact the mother, seeking forgiveness and promising that he would transfer money in the girl's name and also support her
He wanted her to withdraw the case.The accused has now been taken into custody.Srujuna meanwhile contacted a child rights organisation,
Balala Hakkula Sangam, seeking help
"I am not safe at home
This could happen again
I told daddy, don't do this
But he did not listen
So I want to go and stay in a hostel and achieve my goal, of joining the police force,'' she told TheIndianSubcontinent.Srujana says, her
mother had always warned her about dangers at home and outside, and is grateful of her support when she spoke up.Child rights activist
Achyutha Rao says, though the government has amended the Protection Of Child Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, it does not stop sexual assaults
against children
"There are over 4 lakh cases pending under the POCSO Act
Is it possible to get convictions in all these cases and hang them or send them to jail'' Mr Rao said."I request children and parents to
break the silence
Only when the victims speak up, we can check sexual assaults on the girl child and the law can punish the accused
retail store, to support her children
She is unlikely to divorce her husband for the fear of social stigma
Srujana does not feel safe at home anymore; she wants to stay outside and realise her dream of being a police officer one day
But the big issue is a safe roof over her head until she can be on her own
Supporting young girls like Srujana is an issue governments must address, activists point out.