Limit Lankan pepper imported under Safta, says trade body

Kochi: The consortium of pepper traders and growers has appealed to the Centre to limit the quantity of pepper that can be imported under
the South Asian Free Trade Agreement (Safta) from Sri Lanka at a concessional duty of 8 per cent at 2,500 tonnes. India earlier this year
had imposed a minimum import price of Rs 500 per kg on pepper to protect domestic pepper farmers
The Kerala Chapter of Indian Pepper and Spices Traders, Growers, Planters Consortium said Sri Lanka has circumvented this by buying Vietnam
pepper at low prices, adding value and dumping it in India as its own pepper
Shamji, coordinator of the consortium said. Both these agreements were signed when the Sri Lankan production was pegged at 10,000 tonnes
Now it is claimed to have touched 25,000 tonnes, Shamji pointed out. The extraction industry in India is already importing 10,000 tonnes
with high piperine content under advance licence scheme
Besides, India is allowed to import 2,500 tonnes of pepper from Sri Lanka at zero duty under Indo Srilanka Free Trade Agreement (ISFTA) for
domestic consumption
The imports under SAFTA at concessional duty is happening over and above this pushing down the domestic prices, Shamji said.