India Made Technology Medium To Attain Social Justice, Inclusion: PM Modi

medium to attain social justice, empowerment, inclusion and transparency, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said Tuesday.He said the government
was using technology to ensure effective 'last mile delivery of services' and it was also being made an effective medium to bring in 'Ease
of Living'.PM Modi was addressing DST-CII India Italy Technology Summit, along with his Italian counterpart Giuseppe Conte."India has made
technology a medium for attaining social justice, empowerment, inclusion and transparency
The government is using technology to ensure effective last mile delivery of services," he said.Highlighting the achievements of the Indian
space programme, he said it was an example of innovation with quality.The prime minister said India was now able to send satellites of many
countries, including Italy, into space and this showcased the nation's capability of creating innovative solutions at a low cost.In his
address, Mr Conte said he had a "fruitful discussion" with PM Modi and the two sides explored the possible contribution of Italy to 'Make in
India' in various sectors.Mr Conte said he and the prime minister explored the potential for a new partnership in the area of railway and
re-launching of cooperation in development of renewable energy."India and Italy have lot of similarities and complementarities that make us
natural allies in offering effective solutions to the challenges in 21st century," Mr Conte said.Innovation, he said, could be a catalyst
for achieving inclusive growth and instrument to growth of global development.Increasing cooperation in the area of heritage was also one of
the important aspects, the Italian prime minister said."I'm pleased that cultural heritage has been included in the focus area of this
technology summit
As Italy has highest number of UNESCO sites, we have used innovation technology for conservation of monuments
We are pleased to share with India the unique expertise we have gathered in this area," he said.PM Modi said to strengthen economic ties,
the countries have agreed to set up Joint Commission on Economic Cooperation (JCEC) under which a CEO forum would also be established.He
said the two sides have agreed to establish a fast track mechanism to increase two-way investment and remove hurdles in trade."The common
goal of our two governments is to become the most strategic partners in innovations to provide a very concrete and more effective answer to
the global challenges that we face."We must keeping working together at all levels to build more sustainable energy production and support
system to reduce pollution in our cities," PM Modi said.