Why robots will build the cities of the future

Image copyrightGetty ImagesImage caption Robots on building sites could become common as firms look to replace their
ageing workforces Shinichi Sakamoto is 57, and works for Shimizu, one of Japan's biggest construction companies
He is part of a greying, and dwindling, workforce
"The thing is, statistics show a third of [Japanese construction] labourers are over 54 years old, and they are considering retiring so
soon," says Mr Sakamoto, who is deputy head of Shimizu's production technology division.And they're not being replaced by younger builders
"The number of labourers under 30 is just above 10%," he says
In September, Mr Sakamoto's firm gained a promising new co-worker - a robot
Robo-Carrier is currently working on a high-rise development in Osaka, transports heavy gypsum board pallets nightly from the ground floor
to where they're needed
Image copyrightShimizuImage caption Japan faces a national shortage of building workers, says Shimizu's Shinichi
Sakamoto "Can you imagine that materials are in the right position in the morning when labourers come to the site" says Mr
"He even works at night time." Robotics is one area poised to benefit from coming superfast 5G mobile networks
Better connectivity will make it easier for multiple robots to co-operate
Many small robots could "swarm", working together on different parts of a task
An example is the collaborating 3D printing robots being developed at Singapore's Nanyang Technological University - each of which can print
concrete following a computer map
All robots in a "swarm" could learn from what one robot is learning
Image copyrightNanyang Technological UniversityImage caption Collaborating robots can be more efficient than just one -
they can tackle different parts of a job simultaneously Shimizu is introducing other robotic workers too.Robo-Welder welds
steel columns, while Robo-Buddy, inserts hanger bolts and installs ceiling boards
The robots operate autonomously, performing tasks a supervisor assigns them on a tablet
Robo-Carrier can recognise and avoid obstacles, while Robo-Welder uses laser shape measurement to determine the contours of the object it
is welding
"There must be more and more robots on site," says Mr Sakamoto
"Labour shortage is our nationwide problem." Japan's construction labour pool will fall to 2.2 million by 2025, down from 3.4 million in
2014, Shimizu says
Image copyrightGetty ImagesImage caption The market for construction robots is set to double to $420m by 2025
And this is not just an issue for Japan
Worldwide, too, the construction business is looking increasingly to robots as it confronts a shrinking and ageing workforce
Globally, the construction robot market will more than double in size to $420m by 2025, up from $200m in 2017, say consultants QY Research
In the US, construction workers are also getting older
The average age is currently 43, says Jeremy Searock, co-founder of Pittsburgh firm, Advanced Construction Robotics
A decade ago, the average age was mid-thirties
And 80% of US general contractors say they are having trouble filling vacancies for skilled workers, according to a survey in August
Image copyrightGetty ImagesImage caption The average age of US construction workers is now 43, almost 10 years higher
than it was a decade ago There's a "clear trend", says Mr Searock, "the younger generations are not going into the
spokesman Hideo Imamura
Its robots reduce manpower needs for a given task by 70% to 80%, he says
In the US, nearly half of construction jobs could be replaced by robots by 2057, say researchers at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign and Midwest Economic Policy Institute
As well as been tireless, robots can do the toughest, most dangerous jobs on a building site, says Mr Sakamoto, potentially preventing
injury and loss of life
"Work which suits robots is for robots, and work which suits humans is for humans," he explains
Image copyrightJeremy SearockImage caption TyBot has been developed speed up the tying together of rebars, or
reinforcing steel bars, in concrete structures In future, faster data speeds thanks to 5G, combined with lower latency - the
time gap between a request and a response - means robots will be able to put more processing tasks into the cloud
The end result is a cheaper, cleverer robot
Shimizu currently controls its robots using 4G mobile and wi-fi, which means that when they work on buildings over 200m high, they have to
extend the wi-fi network area using relays
5G would free them from this dependence, says the firm
Robots could then carry out hazardous or repetitive tasks on remote sites without the need for installing a wi-fi base station - providing,
of course, that the 5G network stretches that far
Image copyrightAdvanced Construction RoboticsImage caption One advantage of construction robots is that they can work
through the night One of hardest bits of building bridges is tying together rebars - the reinforcing steel bars that add
tensile strength to the concrete
"Bent over, in hot sun on a bridge, with your hands manually tying this stuff" is tough work, says Mr Searock
There could be hundreds of thousands or even millions of intersections to tie
And in north-eastern United States, he says there is a "pronounced labour shortage" for this work, accentuated by its seasonal nature
So last year, Advanced Construction Robotics developed a robot - TyBot - to do this job, working on the Freedom Road bridge in Beaver
County, Pennsylvania
It tied 24,000 rebar intersections at a rate of 5.5 seconds for each one
The fifth TyBot is coming off the assembly line now, Mr Searock says
Image copyrightConstruction RoboticsImage caption This robot can lay 380 bricks an hour, which is six times faster than
a human bricklayer Meanwhile, Tokyo's National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology has built a prototype
robot, called HRP-5P, which can install plasterboard partitions
And New York company, Construction Robotics, recently built a semi-automated bricklayer or mason - SAM for short - which laid 250,000 bricks
for the Poff Federal Building in Roanoke, Virginia
Laying 380 bricks an hour, it is six times faster than a human bricklayer, its makers say
More 5G stories and featuresImage copyrightConstruction RoboticsImage caption Building workers in the US with robots
designed to lift and place heavy materials on construction sites The global construction industry has lagged behind other
sectors when it comes to technology investment, largely because it is "notoriously fragmented", says Will Hughes, a construction management
and economics professor at the Reading University
This splintered nature means many small businesses are "dependent on the status quo", so "working practices date back to Victorian times",
he says
But crippling labour shortages mean that the first construction companies to put robots to work effectively will have a significant
advantage, he argues
So don't fret if in a few years you open your door and see a Dalek
It may be there to convert your loft.