Government Delays Imposition Of Retaliatory Import Tariffs On US Goods

implementation of higher tariffs on some goods imported from the United States to December 17, according to an official order that put off
for a third time retaliatory action against US import tariffs on steel and aluminium.In September, the government had said it would raise
tariffs on US goods on November 2.Trade differences between Delhi and Washington increased since US President Donald Trump took office, but
the Indian government's decision to further delay the imposition of tariffs comes as the two countries negotiate a package to remove trade
friction over a range of items.Angered by Washington's refusal to exempt it from new steel and aluminium tariffs, Delhi decided in June to
raise the import tax from August 4 on some US products, including almonds, walnuts and apples.The government later delayed imposing the tax
until September 18 and then again until November 2.