Samsung’s Bixby may finally get more third-party integration soon

Poor Bixby
We admittedly haven&t had a lot of nice things to say about Samsung smart assistant since launch — but that not for lack of potential
The company has promised great things since day one, but has been slow to deliver on, well, just about everything
Third-party integration was supposed to be one of Bixby biggest selling points, but in the year and a half since launch, Samsung hasn&t
offered a lot on that front
According to a new report from The Wall Street Journal, the hardware giant will shed more light on its plans at next week Samsung Developer
Conference, with the launch of third-party &capsules.& On the face of it, at least, the offerings sound fairly similar to the skills and
actions we&ve seen on the competition, letting devs build their own custom responses
It something Samsung will really need to push if products like the upcoming Galaxy Home premium smart speaker are going to find any sort of
The HomePod competitor already looks like a tough sell as Samsung makes a steep climb further into the burgeoning smart home market, and
high-profile partnerships are going to be an important key to breaking in
Speaking of tricky propositions, the Journal story also reconfirms previous rumors Samsung will be showing off a folding phone at next week