Twitter hires God-is Rivera as global director of culture and community

Twitter has brought on its first-ever global director of culture and community, God-is Rivera
As global director of culture and community, Rivera will report to GlobalHead of Culture, Engagement and ExperientialNola Weinstein
Rivera previously led internal diversity and inclusion efforts at VMLYR, a digital and creative agency. &As a black woman who has worked in
industries in which I have been underrepresented, I feel a great responsibility to amplify and support diverse communities, and they exist
in full force on Twitter,& Rivera said in a statement
&The team has shown a passion to serve and spotlight their most active users and I am honored to step into this new role as a part of that
commitment.& For context, 26 percent of U.S
adults who identify as black use Twitter, while 24 percent of white-identified adults and 20 percent of Latinx-identified adults in the U.S
use Twitter,according to a March 2018 survey from Pew Research Center. At Twitter, the plan is for Rivera to &better serve and engage
communities& on Twitter through the company brand marketing, campaigns, events and other experiences
Internally, Rivera will be tasked with ensuring Twitter campaigns and programs are inclusive and &reflective of the communities we serve,&
according to Twitter press release
Externally, Rivera will be responsible for developing relationships and programs with content creators, community leaders, brands and more
— similar to the one with HBO Insecure. Here the internal note Weinstein sent to Twitter employees earlier today: Team, I am so excited to
welcome @GodisRivera to the team as Twitter new Global Director of Culture Community
She captivated us at #OneTeam with her enlightening presentation on #BlackTwitter and we are thrilled that she will now be bringing her
passion and perspective inside. In this newly created role, God-is will help lead our efforts to better serve and engage the powerful voices
and global communities who take to Twitter to share, discover and discuss what matters to them
This will come to life through Twitter brand efforts, campaigns, events and experiences
She will help ensure that our programs are connective, inclusive and reflective of the communities we serve
You can imagine more efforts that engage and excite our communities like #HereWeAre, #NBATwitter, thoughtful tweetups, etc. God-is& deep
expertise in marketing and social strategy, cultural understanding and ability to elevate and connect communities makes for a rare and
incredibly powerful combination
She was previously Director, Inclusion and Cultural Resonance at VMLYR, where she led internal diversity efforts to fuse the importance of
internal culture and representation to creative work outputs
In 2018, God-is was named an Ad Age &Woman to Watch& and Adweek &Disruptor& for continuing to fight for representation and equity in the
advertising industry
She currently resides in New York, NY with her husband and daughter. On a personal note, I have had the pleasure of spending time with
God-is at #HereWeAre, #Influence, and #OneTeam and her energy, passion and positivity are infectious
I know her presence will make a difference and am excited by all that the culture experiential team will create together. God-is will start
on November 12th and will be based in NYC reporting to me. Please join me in welcoming her to the flock! Thrilled to welcome @GodisRivera
to the team as Twitter's new Global Director of Culture Community
Her deep marketing, cultural, and social expertise makes for a rare and powerful combination that will help us to enhance our connection to
the voices and communities we serve — Nola Weinstein (@NolaBeth) November 2, 2018