Tablet device sales struggle again

The tablet market continues to struggle as consumer demand for these once popular devices continues to drop.According to IDC's Worldwide
Quarterly Tablet Tracker, the worldwide tablet market declined by 8.6 per cent as global shipments fell to 36.4m in the third quarter of
previous year
Sales of detachable tablets also saw a significant decline, down 13.1 per cent from the previous year, accounting for 4.8m unit
shipments.Senior Research Analyst with IDC's Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Device Trackers, Jitesh Ubrani explained how the tablet market is
now beginning to resemble the traditional PC market, saying:"The tablet market is more like the traditional PC market than ever before
Not only do these markets move in sync with each other, but the decreasing margins and overall decline, particularly in slate tablets, has
led to the top 5 companies capturing a larger share as many small vendors have exited the space or simply treat the tablet market with a
much lower priority
Even among the top 5, it is essentially Apple and to a lesser extent Samsung that continue to invest heavily in product innovation and
tablet companies are Apple, Samsung, Amazon, Huawei and Lenovo.Apple continued to lead the tablet market with almost double the shipments of
its closest competitor
The refreshed iPad with Pencil support that launched in late March reinvigorated interest in tablets as it was the first time the
Cupertino-based company brought a lower cost iPad to market
However, at the top of its line, the iPad Pro saw year-on-year declines as consumers waited eagerly for a refresh at the beginning of the
fourth quarter.Samsung on the other hand, maintained its position as the second leading tablet manufacturer despite a year-on-year decline
The Korean tech giant modestly expanded its detachable portfolio but unfortunately this growth was overshadowed by a continued decline in
sales of its slate tablets.Amazon rose to the position of third largest tablet manufacturer in the third quarter boosted by strong sales
from Prime Day
Despite the e-commerce giant's rise in position, the company still saw a modest year-on year shipment decline.Huawei was the only company
among the top five tablet manufacturers to deliver year-over-year tablet shipments growth during the third quarter of this year
Meanwhile, Lenovo rounded out the top five with 2.3m units shipped during the third quarter with a decline of almost 25 per cent when
compared to a year ago.Via IDC