Spotify starts testing an official Apple Watch app

An official Spotify app would probably be high on the wishlists of a lot of Apple Watch owners, and it looks as though we're setting the
first steps towards that
A early, limited test is now underway, according to users with access to the Spotify beta iOS app.As per a Reddit thread, at the moment the
app doesn't actually do much except control playback on your iPhone
down the line, possibly after the app gets its official launch.So far neither Spotify nor Apple have said anything publicly about the app or
when we can expect to see it appear for the rest of us
Of course Apple would much rather you stuck with Apple Music, which might put a few bumps in the road.Taking its timeWe've heard hints in
the past that a Spotify app for the Apple Watch would eventually see the light of day, though rumors have been swirling for a long, long
time now
An announcement was tipped for WWDC 2018 in June but never materialized.When pushed for comment by The Verge, Spotify refused to elaborate
on its plans for an Apple Watch app, only noting that it tests out new features and functionality all the time
Apple Watch.If you're not a part of the Spotify beta on iOS, you'll have to sit tight and wait for the time being