Flickr slashes allowance for free users from 1TB to 1,000 images

Bad news for non-paying Flickr users: the formerly Yahoo-owned photo sharing site will be reducing its free cloud storage limit from a
whopping 1TB to just 1,000 pictures, with plans to start deleting excess images early next year.Announced via blog post by Andrew Stadlen,
VP of Product at Flickr, users on the site's Free tier will permanently lose access to any stored photos exceeding the new limit from
February 2019.According to Stadlen, the decision was partly made due to the small number of free users who actually exceeded the new
1,000 photos on Flickr, and more than 97% of Free members have fewer than 1,000."Photo negativesBefore 2013, Flickr only offered 200 photos
on its Free tier, however, Stadlen admits that the significant leap in free storage space brought about "strongly negative consequences" for
drawn by the free storage, not by engagement with other lovers of photography."Candid cameraStadlen also believes that the decision will
prove beneficial to users in the long run
Speaking candidly, the Flickr vice president said that "Giving away vast amounts of storage creates data that can be sold to advertisers,
ensures that we run Flickr on subscriptions, which guarantees that our focus is always on how to make your experience better."If you are one
of the 3% of Flickr Free users with a collection exceeding 1,000 images, you should probably back up your photos as soon as
stats for your photos and a range of other perks and discounts.