Fallout 76 review part 1: our first steps in the wasteland

When Bethesda first announced Fallout 76 at E3 2018, there was a mixed response from fans
looking at it from a whole new perspective We strapped on our Pip-Boy and blue jumpsuit to find out - here's part one of our Fallout 76
review:Reclamation DayFallout 76 begins with you awakening in Vault 76 on Reclamation Day, the holiday when vault inhabitants celebrate
surviving the nuclear apocalypse and finally get the chance to leave their metal home
After designing my survivor in character creation, I gradually work my way through the vault towards the outside world, exploring every nook
and cranny of the vault that I can before being forced into the sunlight
It becomes clear the Reclamation Day party is long over, the only remnants are old party hats, deflated balloons and crumpled confetti -
food, Radaway, Stimpacks and the new C.A.M.P
settlement system
On-screen prompts briefly explain how the new settlement system works as well as the importance of keeping radiation low and your hunger and
awards you a point to increase your SPECIAL stats (strength, endurance, intelligence etc) each time you level up
When you add a point to a SPECIAL stat, you can also pick Perk Cards which give you certain buffs or abilities
Each of these SPECIAL stats has cards associated with it, however the cards you get to pick from are not always associated with the SPECIAL
you just increased
After reaching level one, I upgraded my Strength and chose to pick the Gladiator card (which improves melee damage)
Essentially this allows you to create a loadout of skills and specialize in particular areas
Perk Cards can be added on top of each other, discarded, swapped or traded with other players.As I near the vault door, the sight of a Mr
Handy (this one is named Alderton) is a pleasant surprise - a familiar metallic friend in a brand new world
Appalachia.The lonely roadStepping into the wasteland feels like home - a desolate, radiation-ravaged home that I forgot I longed for
Mutated beavers roam the rivers, three-headed opossums hide in the singed grass, and six-legged Radstag bask in the rocky hills
made the world of Fallout feel like its own entity
I knew Fallout 76 was an online multiplayer game but somehow I had blocked this fact (and the other figures on the map) from my brain
Until this point everything seemed pretty much the same as the other Fallout titles, if not a little less guided
from an irradiated beaver I had encountered, I heard rummaging from beyond the crafting screen
Quickly exiting, and expecting to see a rabid dog or ravaged ghoul, I was somewhat taken aback to see another player
They did nothing except stand and stare at me - BigRed69, an intruder in my silent world with a desire to chase opossums in my direction
gathering knickknacks for the base I intend to build when I get to grips with the C.A.M.P
A gnome here, a pool ball there - this is the monotony I missed, exploring the abandoned homes of the dead and humming along to vintage
tunes on the radio
And I know these tracks, since many were featured in Fallout 4 - Atom Bomb Baby by The Five Stars and Crazy He Calls Me by Billie Holiday