Three Arrested In Alleged Terror Plot In Melbourne

They had not yet chosen a specific target for their attack, he said
after a terror-related stabbing rampage left two dead in Australia's second largest city, police said.The trio, all Australian nationals of
Turkish descent, were nabbed in overnight raids as they escalated preparations to attack crowded areas of Melbourne, according to police.The
men were "certainly inspired by ISIS", the so-called Islamic State group, but had no known links to a specific organisation, Chief
Commissioner Graham Ashton said.The three, who were not named, had been under investigation since March but had become "more energised"
since the IS-inspired stabbing attack in Melbourne on November 9, he said.In that attack, a Somali-born Australian, Hassan Khalif Shire Ali,
stabbed and killed one man and wounded two others in a central shopping area before being fatally shot by police.The three men arrested
Tuesday were aged 30, 26 and 21, and will be charged in a Melbourne court later in the day, police said.They had no previous criminal
records, but had all had their passports cancelled earlier this year to prevent them from joining terror groups overseas, police said."If we
human life," said Ian Mccartney, a federal police spokesman.Mccartney said the trio had attempted to acquire multiple semi-automatic .22
calibre rifles for the attack.They had not yet chosen a specific target for their attack, he said.