Helping marketers turn data into value

The buzz around Artificial Intelligence (AI) has reached a fever pitch in recent months because it solves a genuine problem for businesses;
it helps to manage and process complex data, so they can change the way they engage, understand and interact with their customers
collecting more data than they can manage
while 52% believe they are collecting too much data from too many sources.So, how can customer experience teams, both in IT and marketing,
find answers in this sea of information to stay relevant to their customers and be more efficient And how can they help uncover new insights
which will inform future activityCommunicate the benefitsOne of the biggest benefits of AI is that it allows companies to spend less time
looking at the past and more time gaining a step on the future
Most analytics solutions (even recent ones) were only designed to collate and summarise facts
reporting needs
For example, marketers are finding more interesting combinations of data sets which can have much broader implications than what that data
says on the surface
seconds.This is why nearly 85% of executives believe AI will allow their company to develop or sustain a competitive advantage, according to
one MIT Sloan study
Our own research reinforces this point, with the majority (91%) of UK respondents viewing personalisation as a priority
Communicating this message will help brands appreciate how they can use this technology to drive performance and have a direct impact on the
currently relied on, of which there are four
This will help them to see how they can take performance to the next level:In particular, many marketers may feel out of their depth
useful, actionable insights from their data easily and on their own
for the implementation of AI for business and customer data analytics
Just under three quarters (70%) plan to have implemented AI for business and customer analytics by 2019, going up to 92% by the end of 2020
However, the technology will drive the best results for the business when everyone is empowered to find the information they need, when they