LG could be planning a phone camera with no less than 16 lenses

Dual-lens cameras on the back of smartphones Pretty much par for the course now
Triple-lens cameras Yeah we've seen those too
But 16 lenses packed inside one rear-facing camera Now we're really talking, LG.Newly filed patents spotted by LetsGoDigital suggest LG is
at least thinking about cramming 16 lenses into a camera in the future, which we guess would make it a hexa-camera
Apparently, with a curved setup, these 16 lenses could capture a photo from several different perspectives, and even simulate movement from
a still image.It would also make it easier to replace objects in photos, as per the patent documents, because the phone would be able to
capture more information about them in three dimensions rather than just two
Some pretty cool effects might be possible.16 is the new 2The patent goes on to detail how a mirror and a flash could be placed separately
camera rather than the front-facing one.As always with patent filings like this, it's not a guarantee that we'll ever see an LG smartphone
But it is a sign that LG has something like this on the drawing board that it would like to develop further.In the meantime, we're stuck
with cameras with two, three or maybe five lenses
smartphone in the future.Via Ice Universe