The launch date of the PlayStation Classic is fast approaching, perfectly timed for the holiday season, when it will ostensibly drown us in
wistful memories of gaming past
which, as it turns out, is not all that much.Getting games to marketBefore we pick out more specific examples from the PlayStation Classic
mini-consoles as a gimmick, a false collection of software that could be easily emulated without the fuss around a controlled hardware
tap into those joyous childhood memories, represents fine value for money.So how did the PS1 Classic end up fronted by such a ragtag lineup
problem is that one of the selling points that made the original PlayStation such a maverick, edgy console in the 90s has come back to haunt
over.Crash and burnOf course, the elephants in the room are Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon
the Spyro Reignited Trilogy and the PS1 Classic coming out so close together, the publisher may not have wanted a low-polygon version of the
d-pad The only memories it brings back for me are those of chafed inner thumb joints
needs to capture the types of games that console was renowned for
The original PS1 was where survival horror and JRPGs really came to life, using the crisp soundtracks and economical 3D graphics (aided by
But when it came out in 1997, Final Fantasy VII marked the beginning of a JRPG golden age on the PS1, driven mostly by Squaresoft (now
Despite not being terribly well rated, this game was a huge hit in Japan at the time, indicating that marketing was perhaps a stronger
Attempts to bring Resident Evil 2 may have run aground due to the upcoming remake, but the original is on a technical level the weakest of
at least gets RPG-horror hybrid Parasite Eve (also from Square Enix); a great game based on a bestselling Japanese novel that failed to gain
hold up too well when you consider that the SNES Classic managed to get its hands on Super Street Fighter II Turbo.An incomplete legacy
had the PS1 Classic in front of me, hypnotized by that deep, synthesized whir as the PS logo appeared on my screen for the first time
these mini-consoles will get harder the more recent the console
From the PS1 onwards, licensing became common practice, and third-party publishers and developers played a bigger part in shaping console
market is still a poor simulacrum of the original console, and one that fails to grasp what made the PS1 so special
It feels destined to succeed, even if it deserves to fail