Seagate: Why we're ready to cope with the global explosion of data

IDC has just released its annual report, sponsored by Seagate, on how data is produced and stored globally
What are the essential takeaways in the 2018 editionThe Digitization of the World report finds that global data is evolving in two distinct
areas: where data is produced, and where it is stored
In the recent past, consumers were responsible for storing their own data but are increasingly embracing public cloud services
biggest data producers.With that being the case, the report assesses how industries around the world are coping with this change with the
first ever DATCON index
The index measures data-readiness from 5 (optimized) to 1 (critical), across four critical industries which make up 48 percent of the global
datasphere: Finance, Manufacturing, Media Entertainment, Healthcare.The report found that Manufacturing and Financial Services scored the
best overall at 3.3 each, representing the greatest use of edge computing in the four industries, with opportunity for blockchain, analytics
and AI.Despite its rapid growth, at 2.4, healthcare has room for improvement as well in data readiness
Survey results indicate blockchain will be important for the industry, but nearly 60 percent lack a strategy or have yet to implement any
Media and Entertainment received the lowest DATCON score of 2.0, showing a sector ripe for advanced data technologies; particularly in data
security and data management.The global datasphere, the entire universe of data created, captured and replicated worldwide, is expected to
grow to more than 175ZB by 2025
Is that trend currently accelerating What's fuelling this exponential growthThis shift is largely driven by the technologies that
enterprises are adopting
car, which can currently produce 3TB of data per hour
This kind of real-time data is set to become a dominant force, and by 2025 we expect 30% of the global data to be real-time
This kind of data is precisely why the healthcare sector will lead data production, outpacing streaming services, as real-time data becomes
essential to medical care
that immediately jumps out is how big tape is going to be
Many of us thought tape was dead
that business priorities are constantly shifting, and Seagate is looking at a variety of new technologies to help move the industry forward
Is Seagate on target to deliver a 16TB model by end of 2018 as mentioned by Seagate's CEO in January 2017Seagate is committed to driving
customer integration tests and these tests confirm our products are plug-and-play, reliable, and ready to ship in pilot volume next
1TB seems to be the preferred HD capacity with 256GB being the sweet spot for SSD
Given the prevalence of free, ubiquitous cloud storage, can we assume that, for end devices at least, this is the end i.e
other than natural wastage, we cannot expect any growth in that part of the marketConsumer devices such as smartphones and laptops have
consumer drives have about a 2.5TB capacity on average, which speaks to a clear and growing consumer need for higher capacity data storage
solutions.The cloud storage industry continues to expand at a rapid rate, and this is confirmed by the IDC research which predicts that by
However, this dramatic growth is not at the expense of growth in other areas