Tweet Buster: Valuation lessons, tips for volatile market Kediawisdom

NEW DELHI: It was an action-packed week for the domestic stock market with RBI money policy, Opec meeting and fresh worries around possible
escalation in trade tensions. The coming week promises to be equally exciting with the state elections outcome lined up for December 11. So,
the big question is: how would one navigate the pre-election result volatility Independent market expert Sandip Sabharwal has a solution
that might help
His mantra is simple - Don't trade! However, Shyam Sekhar of iThought and market veteran Basant Maheshwari do not seem to agree with
Sabharwal, as these tweets would suggest. Sabharwal took to twitter to post his view on this week's monetary policy
He didn't approve of the RBI decision and called the MPC statement "ridiculous". a
Meanwhile, wealth creation remains challenging in a tough market environment
Safir Anand and Sabharwal shared some interesting insights on valuation and how to figure out if you have made the right investments. Anand
says don't measure a stock by where it has reached or where it is currently at
Sabharwal thinks value should be measured in relation to growth prospects. And PEs often do not tell the story
tweet made this observation that one size doesn't fit all
He says making mistakes and learning from them is key to good investment. He also says how prudent it is to look at stocks individually
than the market as a whole, as there are stocks that perform even in a bear market and then there are those which can make you lose money
even in a bull market. Sekhar of iThought had a tip to share on value investing
According to him, it is important to reinvent to keep doing well in the market. And to top of this week's buzz in Twitter, this is what
Vijay Kedia had to say about what lies ahead!