According to Parsley Health, the average adult spends 19 minutes with their physician every year. Seventy percent of the time, these short visits result in the prescription of a medication.

“According to the CDC, 70% of diseases in our country are chronic and lifestyle-driven,” said Parsley Health founder and CEO Dr. Robin Berzin. “And yet instead

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Resy launched in the summer of 2014 with a simple premise: If you want a premium reservation at a restaurant on short notice, you should be able to pay for it. Four years and 160 markets later, Resy has changed a lot since then.

But today, the company is about to change things up even more.

This morning, Resy has announced a brand new suite of

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Guestfriend automates chatbot creation for restaurants

While chatbots might sound like an interesting experiment for restaurants and other small businesses, they probably can’t devote much time or money to building them. So a startup called Guestfriend is planning to make the process as fast and easy as possible.

The company has raised $5 million in seed funding from Primary Venture Partners, Techstars

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LawGeex raises $12M for its AI-powered contract review technology

Can Artificial Intelligence replace lawyers Perhaps sometime in the distant future, but in the meantime AI is already augmenting the work done by legal professionals as startups race to reach that ultimate goal.

One burgeoning player in the AI-powered legal tech space is Tel Aviv-based LawGeex, which has developed automated contract review

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Node snags two top AI researchers to advance AI-fueled search tool

Node, an AI-driven search tool designed to surface the information that matters most to you, announced today that it was bringing on a couple of AI research heavy hitters. It also announced $5 million in additional funding.

For starters, the company hired Louis Monier, one of the founders of early internet search engine, Alta Vista, and most

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Drift raises $60 million to be an Amazon for businesses

When you’re raising venture capital, it helps if you’ve had “exits.” In other words, if your company has been acquired or you’ve taken one public, investors are more inclined to take a bet on anything you do.

Boston -based serial entrepreneur David Cancel has sold not just one, but four companies.  And after a few years running product for HubSpot,

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