
ANI | Updated: Jan 06, 2020 06:19 IST Krishna (Andhra Pradesh) [India], Jan 6 (ANI): A police team of Machilipatnam's R Peta station seized banned tobacco products worth Rs 2.25 lakh."Our police team was tracking a person named Polisetti Narayana Murty, we intercepted him on Sunday to find banned gutka packets.
Based on the information provided by him, our team then searched the house of one Purnachandra Rao at Mustakhan Peta.
There our police found banned gutka and khaini worth Rs 2.25 lakh," Machilipatnam DSP Mahaboob Pasha told reporters here.The two accused nabbed will be sent to remand, according to Pasha.According to the official, the accused was bringing gutka from Odisha and Guntur.Further investigation is underway.

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