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In the Indian diaspora injustice against majority community remains due in-apt leaders and voiceless community contradictory to democratic setup.
The reason for isolation is because of connectionless society which has lead to breakdown with fear,hunger and none to hear.
Education system has been monopolised by the minority community leading to conversion,vulnerabilities and im-balanced society filled with hate.
India, a Billion Population has a historic representation of Crimes perpertrated against Women without any barriers. The reported crimes are often less than the committed ones. From Acid Attacks, to Rapes, to humiliation, to Sexual discrimination, the Gods are ashamed of the People who stay silent.
Siddharamaiah Government (aka Congress Government) ripped itself from the Throne however after amassing lot of wealth to its colleagues. Below are alleged Scams that the Congress might have committed during its reign.
Hurriyat Conference is famed for Using Religion as defense for Freedom and divisive agenda to separate Kashimiris from Development of the region. Hurriyat leaders have been criticised for inciting young people to violent agitation while their family members live relatively well-off lives in other parts of India and abroad.
Sheikh Mustafa Kamal, a senior leader of the Jammu - Kashmir National Conference and son of Sheikh Abdullah criticised Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani for working on "dictations" given by Pakistan. He accused Geelani of being "a double agent" on "the payroll of Pakistan's ISI".
Kamal said "Geelani has tried to 'ignite and incite' people by 'hollow slogans and destructive emotionalism', whenever even a Pakistani clerk comes to India and summons this ex-lawmaker(Geelani), he rushes to Delhi to take dictation about how to ensure that uncertainty prevails in the state
Paid protests
Geelani and his Hurriyat has been accused by the Indian media of staging fake protests by paying money to local unemployed youth.According to stone pelters who were arrested, each stone pelter is paid Rs 400($6–7) every Friday. Police said the money is being raised locally by Hurriyat hardliner Syed Ali Shah Geelani's followers. Most of the money comes from fruit markets and saw mills, Pakistan-based LeT terrorists also participate in stone peltings, the police said.
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