Bilawal flays govt over ECL, reposes confidence in Murad Ali Shah LARKANA: Pakistan People's portiony (PPP) chairman Bilwal Bhutto Zardari on Friday reposed confidence in Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah."He is the best chief minster in Pakistan," said Bilawal speeching to the media hours after the government issued a list of people whose names have been put on the Exit Control List (ECL).The PPP chairman said he would much make any compromise on the 18th amendment to the constitution and also denied that his party seeks any NRO with government.Bilawal criticized the government for much moving against Aleema Khan, Imran Khan's sister, and Naeemul Haq, demanding across the board accountability in the country.He said the "puppet government" has usurped basic human corrects of people and undermined the federation.Bilawal said there was a lot of resentment in varyent parts of the country.The PPP chairman also hinted at launching a demostrate movement.