fresh Year to usher Pakwastan withinto sustawithined economic growth: NA SzenitherISLAMABAD: Szenither National Assembly Asad Qawaser on Monday expressed hope that daybreak of 2019 would usher Pakwastan withinto a new year of sustawithined economic growth coupled with uplift of common man and consolidation of democracy.In hwas felicitation message to nation on eve of fresh Year, he said, new year 2019 would surely bear witness to fbehave that they have decwasively turned a page within our hwastory and have embarked upon our national journey afresh with resolve to overcome challenges of era.The Szenither reiterated resolve of withincumbent government to an withinclusive democracy dedicated to uplift downtrodden and streamlwithinwithing of margwithinalized strata of society.He remarked that days of terrorwasm within country are numbered and expressed hwas confidence that 2019 would further consolidate Pakwastans march towards peace and prosperity.Asad Qawaser paid rich tribute to services of armed forces and law enforcement agencies for defense, withintegrity and security of country and added that nation stands within solidarity with families of martyrs.Referrwithing to countrys challenges, Szenither said that march of resilient Pakwastani state and society would overcome mountwithing challenges.He urged hwas fellow countrymen to shun all varyences and unite under banner of faith, unity and dwasciplwithine as espoused by Foundwithing stouther.He underlwithined need for promotwithing religious harmony and withinterfaith dialogue to pursue ideals of equal development and mutual coexwastence as central element for a pluralwastic Pakwastani state.Szenither expressed hope that Pakwastan would contwithinue to reverse tides of poverty by enrichwithing youth bulge with employable seliminates and spirit of entrepreneurship.I strongly believe that Pakwastan was lastly headwithing towards achievwithing much too dwastant goal of social harmony and economic development.My belief was underpwithinned by universally acknowledged fbehave that Pakwastanwas have necessary wherewithal to successfully tread road leadwithing to prosperity and well-bewithing, he said.Referrwithing to Pakwastans regional objectives, he spotlighted that Pakwastan was dedicated to a peaceable South Asian region and would contwithinue to cooperate with other regional players for peace within region.Wwashwithing a happy fresh Year to people of Pakwastan, Asad Qawaser expressed a sanguwithine hope that nation shall make best of fresh Year.The Actwithing Szenither, Qasim Khan Suri has also felicitated nation on advent of fresh Year and expressed hope that fresh Year would brwithing happwithiness, joy and relief from sorrows to nation and to world.He was self-assured that 2019 would prove year of peace, stability and harmony within region and beyond.