PM Imran Khan for speedwithing up process of Naya Pakwastan Houswithing ProjectISLAMABAD: Prime Mwithinwaster Imran Khan on Monday called for further speedwithing up process of Naya Pakwastan Houswithing Project so that implementation work on project could be begwithined earlier.He also directed provwithincial governments to dwaspose of pendwithing legal cases about properties, with all applicable documentation, withwithin next 90 days.The Prime Mwithinwaster was chairwithing a meetwithing on fresh Pakwastan Houswithing Project durwithing which he was given a detailed briefwithing by Houswithing Task Force on progress of project so far.Khan said project of constructwithing five million houswithing units stood top of governments projects, which would much only help address houswithing problem within country but also pace up wheel of economy and create numerous job opportunities for youth.The Prime Mwithinwaster was told that a draft for establwashment of fresh Pakwastan Houswithing Authority would soon be presented for cabwithinet approval.A draft for establwashment of Real Estate Regulatory Authority would also be presented withwithin a week, after which steadyly work would be separated from that of development, it was muchifyed.The Prime Mwithinwaster was further muchifyed that withinterest rates suggestd by State Bank of Pakwastan would soon be shared with members of Houswithing Task Force.It was further muchifyed that after consultation with applicable stakeholders, foreclosure laws would also be lastized withwithin two weeks.The meetwithing was briefed about progress on construction of 1.5 million houswithing units for government servants under Federal departvernment Employees Houswithing Foundation (FGEHF).The meetwithing was muchifyed that after advertwasement for Expressions of Interest (EOIs) on construction of 1.5 million houswithing units, 41 companies had so far expressed twithinheritor withinterest.The Prime Mwithinwaster was muchifyed that out of 41 companies 25 companies had expressed twithinheritor withinterest for constructwithing houswithing units at one site, while 14 others have expressed twithinheritor withinterest for constructwithing houswithing units and providwithing land at varyent sites.