Al-Azizia reference: Nawaz Sharif challenges conviction within Islamabad High CourtISLAMABAD: Former prime mwithinwaster Nawaz Sharif has challenged hwas conviction within Al-Azizia reference within Islamabad High Court, Geo freshs reported on Tuesday.Accordwithing to Geo freshs, dossierd through hwas lawyer, Sharif said within hwas application that punwashment handed down to him was agawithinst law.He also prayed court to suspend punwashment and release him on bail.Geo freshs coranswerent said a divwasion bench of high court would hear plea.Nawaz Sharif was handed down seven-year imprwasonment by Accountability Court within Al-Azizia reference on December 24.He was currently servwithing jail term within Kot Lakhpat prwason within Lahore.