Nusrat Sehr Abbasi ordered out for showing shoe in Sindh AssemblyKARACHI: Nusrat Sehr Abbasi, a female lawmaker belonging to the Pakistan Muslim League-Functional (PMLF), was ordered out of the Sindh Assembly after she showed a shoe to the Deputy Speaker in a sign of defiance during a session of the house.Deputy Speaker Shehla Raza said she would call in Sergeant in Arms to maintain decorum of the house.Shehlaz Raza said she would also request Abbasi's party to not to consider her as its candidate next time.She said she would not allow the "woman card" to be played in the house as the house has had enough of that card.Taking an exception to the MPA, Shehla Raza asked other women members to respond to Sehr Abbasi."Women on Treasury benches must respond to the opposition's female lawmakers .
Showing shoe is not a mistake, it is a crime," the deputy speaker said."Today, Sehr Abbasi has made a bad name for her," she said.TV footage showed Abbasi lifting her leg to display one of her shoes to the speaker.