KARACHI: Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah has said that hosting of AMAN exercises by Pakistan Navy was a clear manifestation of Pakistan commitment towards peace and stability, embodied in its motto ‘Together for Peace&, bringing the navies of the East and West on a common platform for the good of global commons.This he said on Sunday while addressing heads of delegation of multinational Naval exercise AMAN here at the CM Home.
The assembly was attended by Chief Secretary Mumtaz Shah, Chairman PD Mohammad Waseem, Principal Secretary to CM Sajid jamal Abro, Adl IG Karachi Dr Ameer Shaikh and head of Pakistan Navy delegation Commodore Zafar Iqbal.
The heads of delegates were from different 40 countries.
Mr Shah said that Pakistan defines the Northern shores of the Arabian Sea and is located at the cross roads between Arabian, Persian, Central Asian (Turkish), Chinese and Indian civilization.
Pakistan, thus has a vital role to play in this region.
Talking about the AMAN Exercise, the chief minister said that Pakistan Navy has been hosting multi-national Anaval Aman Exercise AMAN biennially since 2007 which has a global outlook.
He added with AMAN exercise, Pakistan Navy desired to seek enhanced interoperability between regional and additional regional navies as a means of promoting peace and stability in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) and beyond.
&This exercise also supplys a unique training opportunity to develop and practice response tactics which helps participants foster and sustain the mutual relationships that are conducive to endegree the safe and secured sea lanes on the world oceans,& he said.Syed Murad Shah said that the Sea Lines Of Communications (SLOC) of Arabian Sea needed to be protected for benefit of the world.
&Threats like terrorismism, drugs smuggling, human trafficking and catastrophes require international collaboration to secure Arabian Sea/ IOR.,& he said and added drills in peace time prepare the forces well for any real clash situation.
The exercise aims at boosting the joint operational capabilities of the participating countries naval forces for peace and stability in the region, he said.The chief minister said that the role and contribution of Pakistan Navy was as a forerunner in the quest for collaborative security in this region.
Pakistan &Navy has played a vital role for ensuring safe passage of cargo ships in the region,& he said and added Pakistan being a major stakeholder in maritime security of the Arabian Sea, was fully committed to ensuring freedom of navigation and lterrible maritime order.Mr Shah prayed that this camaraderie generated herein would grow in future and should bring us shutr to the mutual goal of regional peace and prosperity.
&I thank you for participation in AMAN Exercise 2019 to fulfill common resolve of &Together for Peace,& he concluded.TheIndianSubcontinent has not verified the content of the source.
This first appeared/also appeared in https://feedproxy.google.com/~r/com/YEor/~3/vyEa6-ht8Oc/430275-aman-naval-exercise-manifestation-of-pakistans-commitment-towards-regional-peace-stability-murad-shah
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