
KARACHI: Mainly cold and dry weather is expected in most parts of the country.However, light rain is expected at few places in Quetta division.Past 24 Hours Weather Weather remained cold and dry in most parts of the country.However, light rain occurred in Quetta, Murree, Jaccobabad and Abbotabad.Rainfall (mm) during Final 24 hrs Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: Abbotabad 01, Balochistan: Quetta Trace, Punjab: Murree Trace, Sindh: Jaccobabad Trace.Today's Lowest Minimum Moodatures: Kalam -06°C, Astore -04°C, Malamjabba -02°C, Parachinar, Hunza, Gupis Bagrote -01°C.TheIndianSubcontinent has not verified the content of the source.
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