A possible Covid-19 mRNA vaccine developed by a local biotechnology company is set to enter the first phase of human clinical trials after showing promise during laboratory testing on guinea pigs, Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said yesterday.

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Police have arrested 61 people in connection with one of the country's biggest money laundering cases this year valued at over 10 billion baht, said Provincial Police Region 5 (PPR5).

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Bubble tourism wears flak
Thailand may have to allow new infections to occur in the kingdom if it wants the economy to get back on track, a health official said on Thursday.

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Green light for foreigners
The first group of foreigners to be allowed to enter Thailand will comprise business representatives, skilled workers, experts, people with Thai families, teachers, students and patients who agree to quarantine, according to the government.

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Dozens of activists gather at Democracy Monument
Political activists staged peaceful gatherings across the country on Wednesday to mark the anniversary of the 1932 revolt, which ended the absolute monarchy in what was then Siam.

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Army remembers leaders of 1933 Boworadej revolt
The army on Wednesday held an "unprecedented" event in remembrance of two leaders of the failed Boworadej Rebellion of 1933 in what was seen by observers as a move to counter activities held to mark the 88th anniversary of the 1932 revolution.

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