Impeached S. Korean president faces second arrest threat
SEOUL — South Korea&s anti-corruption watchdog has secured a warrant extension to arrest impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol and a second attempt to take the embattled leader into custody could happen as early as Wednesday.

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LA Times

Trump promised 'all hell will break out' in the Middle East if Israeli hostages are not returned by the time he takes office.

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LA Times

Trump's personal diplomacy couldn't solve the North Korean nuclear conundrum first time around. What are his chances now?

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LA Times

The USGS measured the quake at 7.1. Dozens of aftershocks shook the region of western China and across the border in Nepal.

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LA Times

The Supreme Court said states should decide access to abortion, but activists are mounting lawsuits and lobbying Washington for what could amount to a national ban.

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Best of 2024: Reestablished NASA Art Program Begins with Mural in New York CityBest of 2024: Reestablished NASA Art Program Begins with Mural in New York City

The New York-based artist team Geraluz, left, and WERC, right, and their son Amaru Alvarez, 5, pose for picture with the mural “To the Moon, and Back” by the artist team that was created as part of the reimagined NASA Art Program, Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at 350 Hudson Street in New York City. The murals use geometrical patterns to invite dee...

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