
PM Modi and Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray shares the stage at a rally.New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched his election campaign in Maharashtra's Latur today with a stinging attack on Congress, saying it is responsible for the creation of Pakistan.Addressing a poll rally in Latur district of Maharashtra, PM Modi also appeared to be treading sensitive ground by asking first-time voters to dedicate their first vote to those who carried out air strike in Balakot."Can your first vote be dedicated to those who carried out air strike," PM Modi said, appealing to first-time voters.PM Modi will address a joint rally with Uddhav Thackeray at Ausa in Osmanabad, a constituency governed by the BJP ally Shiv Sena.

This will be the first joint rally of both the leaders in Maharashtra.Appeal To The First Time VotersI want to ask our first time voters - won't you give your first vote for our brave jawans who were killed in Pulwama Won't you give your vote for the IAF that conducted the Balakot strikes I urge you to vote for BJP, said PM ModiCan your first vote in your life ensure that the poor get a homePM Modi Takes A Swipe At Congress ManifestoCongress and their friends have an anti-national thinking and attitude.The language that Congress speaks is the same language that Pakistan also speaks.Both Congress and Pakistan want that our soldiers are not given the strength that they need to tackle the menace of terror.

Congress and Pakistan both want that those who spread terror and want India to break roam freely in the country.It is a shame that the Congress manifesto speaks about weakening our security establishment. Pakistan has the audacity to say such things.

Had we put our foot down in 1947, a Pakistan would not even exist.Today, allies of the Congress and those among the Mahamilaavat groups want a separate prime minister for Kashmir.

Look at their true faces. These are the same people who you all trusted with your votes.

Look at their true faces now.

Now you realize what they were working towards all these years. Look at the way they react when we are taking action against anti-nationals and terrorists.Have Earned Your Trust In 5 Years, Says PM ModiWe will not sit silent while terrorists get a free hand.India will go in and eliminate terrorists.

That is the mantra of New India.We are determined to finish the menace of terrorism.Your trust my biggest accomplishment in last five yearsPM Modi Addresses Rally in Maharashtra's Latur Addressing a rally in Maharashtra's Latur, PM Modi said, "I have come to know that you are sitting here since 9.30 am in this extreme heat.

I won't let your 'tapasya' go in vain.

I will return this to you with interest."Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Uddhav Thackeray walked on the dias holding each other's hands in the Usmanabad Latur public rally.

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