
Whats happening is complete on desperation at the eventual loss one method or another of even the shadow of hegemony by the U.S., NATO, and its supposed Mideast ally, Israel.

And the desperation is just making things far even worse, and for the U.S.

and NATO nations, too.Whats taking place is complete on desperation at the ultimate loss one way or another of even the shadow of hegemony by the U.S., NATO and its alleged Mideast ally, Israel.

And the desperation is only making things far worse, and for the U.S.

and NATO countries, too.Seymour Hershs expose of who destroyed the Nordstream gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea is another classic of his, as were his exposes of Abu Ghraib in Iraq and the My Lai massacre long earlier in Vietnam to call just two others.

And the mainstream U.S.

media is overlooking the report of the best investigative journalist in the previous 50 years who (aside from Julian Assange), and who because Abu Ghraib, can not get released in the U.S.

like at the New York Times and even the New Yorker publication where he when worked.The U.S.

government considering that Hershs report on Sub stack media has actually been attempting to deflect attention by carrying it to 3 or 4 instances of balloons or other items (an alien intrusion, UFOs) born upon winds crossing over the U.S.

as if such made up any sort of genuine danger to the nation.

Breaches of U.S.

sovereignty by the Chinese who, if the Chinese released the items, are frightening? No other way, but the government would have Americans think so.

Even suggesting UFOs are aloft! If spying, the Chinese do not critically need to send out balloons or whatever.

They have actually an estimated 300 spy satellites in area a few of which can supposedly read the license plates of cars and trucks and might be capable of even listening to telephone call in the Oval Office in the White House.The Germans are imitating a lot of SHEEP over probably the best act of commercial and ecological terrorism since WWII.What is particularly surprising is that offered the Hersh report on Nordstreams damage by the U.S., the German federal government up until now has stated NOTHING.

And the loss of gas from Russia, low-cost gas, is wrecking the when terrific German economy as well as Europes.

Aside from a couple of extremely scattered voices in Germany partially all set to slam the U.S.

for what President Biden and his Neocon advisors in the White House and State Department apparently did, the Germans are acting like a bunch of SHEEP over arguably the best act of commercial and environmental terrorism because World War 2.

And Joe Bidens randy dementia was clear when he stood before the American people and provided a State of the Union Address that claimed things in the U.S were just dandy? They are not.And then there is the matter of the massive earthquakes in Turkey and northwestern Syria.

Possibly as lots of as 100,000 individuals will be discovered dead when all the rubble is cleared.

Biden has actually been weak sending out help to Turkey, however nothing for Syria where the U.S.

inhabits a 3rd of Syria in the east, and has been taking some 66,000 barrels of oil each day and burning Syrian wheat and even battle aid convoys from the east.

The severe sanctions simply add more suffering and Biden has actually refused to raise U.S.


This, frankly, is yet another U.S.

crime amid numerous others.

And dont get me started about the Netanyahu criminal activity distributes in Israel who are going wild in a de facto annexation of the West Bank and battle Gaza, too.The Palestinians resistance fighters should cancel throwing rocks and shooting handguns at the marauding authorities and IDF soldiers in the West Bank who have actually been raiding refugee camps in locations like Jenin and Jericho.

Practically 50, a least, innocent Palestinians have been shot dead by militaries and inhabitants, too, considering that the start of the year.

And the Biden Administration has said nothing.

What may be a better answer?The Palestinians should be sent out ratings of well calibrated sniper rifles with great scopes and silencers connected.

They understand where to hide in the warrens of the camps.

The cowardly IDF would reconsider raids in the West Bank!But what does all this amount to? The U.S.

under Biden has actually gone berserk like never before if you exclude the Vietnam War under Lyndon Johnson, which completed Johnsons political profession.

Provoking the Russians to assault Ukraine and all kinds of support for corrupt Zelensky ...

eventually spells the final end of U.S.

as any sort of leader and even NATOs, and all hegemonic pretensions ...

provided World War 3 does not emerge and a war turns nuclear.

A U.S.

president who brings the world so close the nuclear war for whatever factor is merely not fit to serve anywhere and is worthy of to stand prior to the ICC in The Hague.

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