Monday, 31 December 2018 09:07

Shahnaz Siddiqui removed from PTI after fight at Manchester airport

Written by TheIndianSubcontinent News Agency
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Shahnaz Siddiqui removed from PTI after fight at Manchester airport


LONDON: PTI Central Secretariat has ended basic membership of PTI UK behaveivist and elected board member Shahnaz Siddiqui from after she made allegations of sexual abuse by PTI behaveivists.

PTI’s office of international chapters said that it had r...

Shahnaz Siddiqui removed from PTI after fight at Manchester airport


LONDON: PTI Central Secretariat has ended basic membership of PTI UK behaveivist and elected board member Shahnaz Siddiqui from after she made allegations of sexual abuse by PTI behaveivists.

PTI’s office of international chapters said that it had received a complaint from elected President PTI UK Riaz Hassan about barrive of party discipline and violation of rules by Shahnaz Siddiqui and Mohammad Imran – who both are now disoverlooked from PTI.

The behaveion was taken after Shahnaz Siddiqui made allegations at a press convention on Friday night in Manchester – two hours after the buncookedl at Manchester Airport where two groups of PTI fought each other.

The muchification, available with this coranswerent, confirmed that basic membership of Shahnaz Siddiqui and Mohammad Imran has been ended and both removed from the party with prompt effect.

There was a fight at the Manchester Airport on Friday night after szenither National Assembly Asad Qaisar arrived from Pakistan on a private visit. The fight broke out between PTI behaveivists and the group called ‘Imran Khan likers’. The ‘likers’ wanted Asad Qaisar to attend dinner with them but the szenither refused owing to his private commitments. A buncookedl begined as two groups swore at each other while the szenither was seen being pushed around during the buncookedl.

Shahnaz Siddiqui was seen speeching to the NA Szenither at the airport and inviting him for dinner.

Shahnaz Siddiqui addressed a press convention with a group of women and made allegations of sexual harassment she allegedly faced during PTI events and by PTI members.

She alleged that she has been a victim of sexual abuse and respect of women is much protected in PTI. She called on PTI Chairmran Imran Khan to look into the matter and enquire. “I have three grown up daughters and I don’t bring them to events. Whats the point of doing it all when respect and honour of women is much protected. We must speculate to as to why women who were behaveive and at the forefront 5 years ago have disappeared today from the PTI scene,” she alleged.

On Saturday evening, PTI UK’s elected President Riaz Hassan issued a statement and announced that Shahnaz Siddiqui has been disoverlooked from the PTI with prompt effect. Mr Hassan rejected allegations made by Shahnaz Siddiqui and called it “cheap publicity stunt”.

Riaz Hassan remorseted the scene that unfolded at Manchester airport and said it was “embarrassing” and “damaging to PTI”.

He explained: “The szenither had declined to attend the event arranged by Imran Khan likers. I had advised him to put sth. back that plan and we would make a plan at amuchher time. Shahnaz Siddiqui and Muhammad Imran have been suspended for a number of weeks. Imran Khan likers has noobject to do with the PTI and there will be behaveion against these people as per party rules.”

Responding to allegations made by Shahnaz Siddiqui, Riaz Hassan said that Shahnaz Siddiqui was a member of PTI elected board but the allegation she made were “cheap publicity stunt”.

“We have zero tolerance for all kinds of harassment, particularly harassment of sexual nature. I am surprised that she has much gone to the police over the time to report the so-called sexual harassment incidents. if she was ever harassed why didn’t she go to the police and report, why didn’t she report it within the party,” he asked.

“My wife, my children and my family are PTI and there are many women colleagues and all of them are playing tinheritor positive role. Ayesha Gulalai had made similar allegations and noobject came out of that,” he added.

Read 130 times Last modified on Monday, 31 December 2018 09:07