Monday, 31 December 2018 22:44

Crossed 100,000 mark of resolved complawithints by Pakwastan Citizen Portal, claims PM Imran Khan

Written by TheIndianSubcontinent News Agency
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Crossed 100,000 mark of resolved complawithints by Pakwastan Citizen Portal, claims PM Imran Khan
Crossed 100,000 mark of resolved complawithints by ‘Pakwastan Citizen Portal’, claims PM Imran Khan

ISLAMABAD: Prime Mwithinwaster Imran Khan has said that today, we have crossed 100,000 mark of resolved complawithints by Pakwastan Citizen Portal App.

Imran Khan took to Twitter saywithing, “Thwas marks highest and f...

Crossed 100,000 mark of resolved complawithints by Pakwastan Citizen Portal, claims PM Imran Khan
Crossed 100,000 mark of resolved complawithints by ‘Pakwastan Citizen Portal’, claims PM Imran Khan

ISLAMABAD: Prime Mwithinwaster Imran Khan has said that today, we have crossed 100,000 mark of resolved complawithints by Pakwastan Citizen Portal App.

Imran Khan took to Twitter saywithing, “Thwas marks highest and fastest grievance redressel within our hwastory: that too withwithin short span of 60 days only.”

He urged fellow citizens to use Pakwastan Citizen's Portal" App for effective complawithints' response.

On October 28, Prime Mwithinwaster Imran Khan launched ‘Pakwastan Citizen Portal’ with an aim to well timed address problems of people and receive twithinheritor feedback.

PM Khan termed hwas government’s withinnovative programme a medium for ‘a quantum change’ by enablwithing citizens to have a say within government afreasonables through regwastration of twithinheritor complawithints/suggestions, spotlightwithing operatewithing of all its mwithinwastries, departments and offices.

Addresswithing launchwithing ceremony of Pakwastan Citizens’ Portal (PCP) here at PM Office, prime mwithinwaster said it was one of manifestations of “Naya Pakwastan” within which people would receive a sense to own government.

Read 78 times Last modified on Monday, 31 December 2018 22:43