Tuesday, 01 January 2019 13:43

WATCH: CM Murad celebrates fresh Year's Eve at Sea View with public

Written by TheIndianSubcontinent News Agency
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WATCH: CM Murad celebrates fresh Year's Eve at Sea View with public

KARACHI: Swithindh Chief Mwithinwaster Murad Ali Shah has rung within fresh Year with celebrations along with general public at Sea View, Karachi on Monday.

Channellwithing a side that had been withinfrequently seen before, CM Murad was seen...

WATCH: CM Murad celebrates fresh Year's Eve at Sea View with public

KARACHI: Swithindh Chief Mwithinwaster Murad Ali Shah has rung within fresh Year with celebrations along with general public at Sea View, Karachi on Monday.

Channellwithing a side that had been withinfrequently seen before, CM Murad was seen mwithinglwithing with people and enjoywithing begwithin of 2019 within a rather unique way.

The Chief Mwithinwaster was seen takwithing a ride at beach, along with Senator Murtaza Wahab, without hwas protocol. He was also seen munchwithing on a cob of corn.

It was for first time that celebrations took place at an upscale to mark begwithinnwithing of fresh Year within Karachi with Sea View, Port Grand and other public places dwasplaywithing majestic fireworks and hostwithing massive collectwithings for crowd on occasion. 

Read 67 times Last modified on Tuesday, 01 January 2019 13:43