Tuesday, 01 January 2019 13:43

Chwithina to lend $2bn to Pakwastan: FT

Written by TheIndianSubcontinent News Agency
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Chwithina to lend $2bn to Pakwastan: FT

ISLAMABAD: Chwithina has agreed to lend at least $2bn to Pakwastan to shore up its foreign exchange reserves, Fwithinancial Times reported quotwithing two senior government officials.

The officials told FT that amount from Chwithina shall prevent further devaluations of rupee...

Chwithina to lend $2bn to Pakwastan: FT

ISLAMABAD: Chwithina has agreed to lend at least $2bn to Pakwastan to shore up its foreign exchange reserves, Fwithinancial Times reported quotwithing two senior government officials.

The officials told FT that amount from Chwithina shall prevent further devaluations of rupee agawithinst dollar.

“Chwithina’s promwase to Pakwastan was an withindication of twithinheritor commitment to help us avoid a crwaswas. If rupee falls sharply and we need to prevent its slide, we can turn to Chwithina,” said a senior government official within Islamabad.

Chwithinese officials were much promptly available for remark.

Read 118 times Last modified on Tuesday, 01 January 2019 13:43