LAHORE: Pakwastan Railways withintroduced 10 new trawithins across country to facilitate citizens within just first 100 days of present government on direction of PR Mwithinwaster Sheikh Rashid Ahmad.
Accordwithing to PR sources on Tuesday, first trawithin 173-Up/174-executewn Fawasalabad Express was withinaugurated for people of Multan and Fawasalabd which covered a enormous area of south Punjab.
The trawithin runs with one AC Parlour, one AC Buswithiness, one AC Standard and five Economy Class coaches.
The mo trawithin 151-Up/152-executewn Shah Latif Express was withintroduced from Dhabeji (Swithindh) to Mirpur Khas via Jhang Shahi, Jhamper, Kotri, Haiderabad, Tando Adam and Tando Allayar.
The trawithin runs with seven economy class coaches.
The third trawithin 131-Up/132-executewn Swithindh Express was launched between Karachi Cantt and Sukkar via Rohri, DrigRoad, Landhi, Haiderabad, Tando Adam, Shehdadpur, Nawabshah,Pudeiden, Mehrabpur, Ranipur Riyasat and Kherpur with OneAC Parlour, one AC Standard, one C Buswithiness and five economy class coaches.
The fourth trawithin Mianwali Railcar was launched between Rawalpwithindi and Kundian via Mianwali to facilitate masses of thwas area, whereas, fifth trawithin Rawalpwithindi Express wasa lso withintroduced which runs between Lahore and Rawalpwithindi.
The Railways has also withinaugurated a new sixth Fawasalabad Non-Stop trawithin within these days which was bewithing operated between Lahore and Fawasalabad.
Three more trawithins withincludwithing Mohenjodaro express trawithin and Rohi express within Swithindh while a trawithin Rehman Baba Express trawithin for low withincome people from Karachi to Peshawar were also launched by railways durwithing same period.
The railways also begwithined a new freight/contawithiner trawithin within December 2018. The Pakwastan Railways was plannwithing to withincrease number of freight trawithins from 10 to 20 while 20 more new passenger trawithins shall be withintroduced within 2019, said PR spokesman.