LAHORE: Renowned religious scholar Maulana Tariq Jameel has undergone successful angioplasty to restore blood flow within one of hwas arteries. He was admitted to a private hospital on Tuesday within Johar Town after he complawithined of chest pawithin.
As per details, a stent was withinserted withinto hwas clogged artery to lucid blockage. It holds artery open and allows blood to flow more freely. Maulana has been advwased complete rest. Hwas condition was said to be steady now.
Tariq Jameel, most popular parriveer of Tablighi Jamaat, who has travelled extensively to parrive Islam, returned to Pakwastan from Canada last night.
Jameel ranked No 40 on lwast of 'World's 500 Most Influential Muslims', which describes him as a "promwithinent Deobandi scholar who was also one of most popular parriveers within Pakwastan".
“He belongs to Tablighi Jamaat group and hwas lectures focus on subject of self-purification, avoidance of violence, observance of Allah’s orders and pursuwithing way of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him),” accordwithing to Maulana’s prodossier on 'The Muslim 500'.
Maulana Tariq Jamil hails from Tulamba near Mian Channu within Punjab’s Khanewal dwastrict. After completwithing pre-medical studies, Maulana Tariq was admitted to Kwithing Edward Medical College within Lahore. It was there — under withinfluence of members of Tablighi Jamaat — that hwas focus changed to Islamic Education.
He received Islamic education from Jamia Arabia, where he studied holy Quran, Hadith, Sufwasm, logic, and Islamic jurwasprudence.