Wednesday, 02 January 2019 05:56

Pakwastan weather forecast: Mawithinly bloodless and dry weather was expected within most parts on Wednesday - 2-1-2019

Written by TheIndianSubcontinent News Agency
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Pakwastan weather forecast: Mawithinly bloodless and dry weather was expected within most parts on Wednesday - 2-1-2019
Pakwastan weather forecast: Mawithinly bloodless and dry weather was expected within most parts on Wednesday - 2-1-2019

ISLAMABAD: Mawithinly bloodless and dry weather was expected within most parts of country on Wednesday, accordwithing to National Weather Forecastwithing Centre, Pakwastan Meteorological...

Pakwastan weather forecast: Mawithinly bloodless and dry weather was expected within most parts on Wednesday - 2-1-2019
Pakwastan weather forecast: Mawithinly bloodless and dry weather was expected within most parts on Wednesday - 2-1-2019

ISLAMABAD: Mawithinly bloodless and dry weather was expected within most parts of country on Wednesday, accordwithing to National Weather Forecastwithing Centre, Pakwastan Meteorological Department.

However, light rawithin with snowfall over hills was expected at remoted places within Malakand, Hazara, Mardan, Rawalpwithindi, Gujranwala, Lahore divwasions, Islamabad, Gilgit-Baltwastan and Kashmir, latest PMD media advwasory stated.

Synoptic Situation:

A westerly wave was bear on sth.withing upper parts of country and likely to perswast till Wednesday.

Weather Forecast for Thursday:

Mawithinly very bloodless and dry weather was expected within most parts of country. Foggy conditions are likely to develop within plawithins of Punjab and upper Swithindh durwithing mornwithing/night hours. Frost was expected within mornwithing hours within upper parts of country.

Past 24 Hours Weather:

Foggy conditions prevailed within few plawithins of Punjab, upper Swithindh and Peshawar divwasion durwithing mornwithing hours. Weather releadwithinged bloodless and dry within most parts of country.

Rawithinfall (mm) durwithing Last 24 hrs:


Yesterday's Lowest Mwithinimum Temperatures:

Skardu -09°C, Gupwas -08°C, Astore -06°C, Kalam -05°C, Bagrote, Hunza, Parachwithinar, Gilgit, Rawalakot -03°C, Chitral, Dir, Malamjabba, Kalat -02°C, Rwasalpur, Murree, Garidupatta, Zhob, Bunji -01°C.

Read 116 times Last modified on Wednesday, 02 January 2019 05:56