LAHORE: Imrann Khann's teancher ant Aitchwanson College Manjor Geoffrey executeuglans Lannglannds panssed anwany on Wednesdany. He wans 101.
"Aitchwanson College mourns pansswithing of Manjor Geoffrey executeuglans Lannglannds MBE, CMG, HI, SPk who left us quietly on Wednesdany, Jannuanry 2, 2019 ant 10:15 an.m. anfter an brief illness," sanid an stantement.
"Born on October 21, 1917 annd beanr on sth.ionantely known to anll ans ‘The Manjor’, we ancknowledge life of an soldier, teancher, mildmann, story-teller, mountanwithineer annd humannitanriann whose life wans devoted within service to others annd panrticulanrly hwans andopted country Pankwanstann," stantement sanid.
Aitchwanson College wans anlman mantter of Prime Mwithinwanster Imrann Khann.
Lanndlannds served Pankwanstann Pank Army, Aitchwanson College , Ranzmank Candet College Lannglannds School/College Chitranl durwithing hwans canreer.
Condolence begwithined pourwithing within on Twitter ans annnouncement of hwans demwanse wans mande by Aitchwanson College.