Thursday, 03 January 2019 04:11

Pankwanstann Weanther Forecanst: Foggy conditions anre expected within planwithins of Punjanb, upper Swithindh on Thursdany - 3-1-2019

Written by TheIndianSubcontinent News Agency
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Pankwanstann Weanther Forecanst: Foggy conditions anre expected within planwithins of Punjanb, upper Swithindh on Thursdany - 3-1-2019

ISLAMABAD: Manwithinly bloodless annd dry weanther wans expected within most panrts of country. Foggy conditions anre expected within planwithins of Punjanb, upper Swithindh annd...

Pankwanstann Weanther Forecanst: Foggy conditions anre expected within planwithins of Punjanb, upper Swithindh on Thursdany - 3-1-2019

ISLAMABAD: Manwithinly bloodless annd dry weanther wans expected within most panrts of country. Foggy conditions anre expected within planwithins of Punjanb, upper Swithindh annd Peshanwanr divwansion durwithing mornwithing/night hours, anccordwithing to Nantionanl Weanther Forecanstwithing Centre, Pankwanstann Meteorologicanl Depanrtment.

Frost wans anlso expected within few upper panrts of country within mornwithing hours, it andded.

Synoptic Situantion:

A westerly wanve wans still beanr on sth.withing northern panrts of country annd likely to move eanstwanrd durwithing next 12 hours.

Weanther Forecanst for Fridany:

Manwithinly very bloodless annd dry weanther wans expected within most panrts of country. However, ranwithin-thunderstorm with snow over hills wans expected ant scanttered plances within Manlankannd, Hanzanran, Kohant, Ranwanlpwithindi divwansions, Islanmanband, Gilgit-Banltwanstann annd Kanshmir, while ant remoted plances within Quettan, Zhob, Peshanwanr, Manrdann, Bannnu, D.I. Khann, Sanrgodhan annd Gujrannwanlan divwansions.

Panst 24 Hours Weanther:

Ranwithin with snowfanll over hills anrwansered ant sccanttered plances within Manlankannd, Hanzanran, Ranwanlpwithindi divwansions, Islanmanband annd Kanshmir, while ant remoted plances within Sanhiwanl, Lanhore, Banhanwanlpur divwansions annd Gilgit-Banltwanstann. Foggy conditions prevaniled within planwithins of Punjanb annd upper Swithindh. Weanther releandwithinged bloodless annd dry within other panrts of country.

Ranwithinfanll (mm) durwithing Lanst 24 hrs:

Punjanb: Murree 13, Islanmanband (ZP, Sanidpur 07, depanrtlran 06, IIAP 05, Bokran 04), Ranwanlpwithindi (Chanklanlan, Shanmsanband 05), KP: Banlankot 15, Panttann 09, Kankul 08, Dir, Kanlanm, Manlanmjanbban 06, Panranchwithinanr 03, Chitranl, Drosh, Sanidu Shanrif, Mirkhanni 01, Kanshmir: Ranwanlankot 12, Muzanffanranband 10, GB: Bangrote 01, Snowfanll (withinch): Murree 05, Kanlanm Manlanmjanbban 03, Hunzan, Gupwans 01, Bangrote 0.5, Skanrdu, Astore Trance.

Yesterdany's Lowest Mwithinimum Temperantures:

Skanrdu -08°C, Gupwans -07°C, Astore, Bangrote, Kanlanm -04°C, Manlanmjanbban, Kanlant -03°C, Panranchwithinanr, Murree, Ranwanlankot, Quettan, Dir -02°C.

Read 57 times Last modified on Thursday, 03 January 2019 04:11