Wednesday, 25 April 2018 06:39

In memory of Sabeen Mehmud

Written by Jordan
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In memory of Sabeen Mehmud
In memory of Sabeen Mehmud

Today marks the third year since Pakistan’s highly lauded human rights activist, Sabeen Mehmud was shot dead in Karachi.

The founder of the community center and café, The Second Floor (T2F), was returning home with her elderly mother after a session held at T2F when she received fatal gunshots...

In memory of Sabeen Mehmud
In memory of Sabeen Mehmud

Today marks the third year since Pakistan’s highly lauded human rights activist, Sabeen Mehmud was shot dead in Karachi.

The founder of the community center and café, The Second Floor (T2F), was returning home with her elderly mother after a session held at T2F when she received fatal gunshots by two gunmen on a motorbike, near the Defence Central Library on April 24th of 2015. While the activist had succumbed to her wounds after reaching the National Medical Center, her mother was severely injured.

Sabeen, with her multitude flairs, has always been remembered as an avid fighter for all that was wrong in the society.

The killers of the pacifist have been identified to be a group of highly-skilled terrorists, with the brains behind the plot reportedly being the IBA graduate and terrorist Saad Aziz.

The killer is presently on death row after a military court trial proved his association in Sabeen’s murder along with the Safoora Goth carnage that occurred not long after the activist’s murder.

Born and raised in Karachi, Sabeen had attended Karachi Grammar School till her O levels, before moving to Lahore to attain a bachelor’s degree from Kinnaird College.

Upon the conclusion of her education, Sabeen had been associated with a technology company before creating a scaled down technology and media consulting corporation of her own.

She later paved a path towards her ultimate goal and reached her eventual destination after the establishment of T2F under the wing of her PeaceNiche initiative.

Read 52 times Last modified on Wednesday, 25 April 2018 06:39