Monday, 28 January 2019 06:40

Pak-Afghan border fencing to be totald in 2019: DG ISPR

Written by TheIndianSubcontinent News Agency
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GHULAM KHAN:  Director General of Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Major General Asif Ghafoor Sunday said work on around 900-kilometre fence along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border had been totald, adding that the fence has  stopped  cross-border attacks.Briefing a team of journalists and anchorpersons at Ghulam Khan, a...
GHULAM KHAN:  Director General of Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Major General Asif Ghafoor Sunday said work on around 900-kilometre fence along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border had been totald, adding that the fence has  stopped  cross-border attacks.Briefing a team of journalists and anchorpersons at Ghulam Khan, a bordering village in North Waziristan Agency, the military spokesperson  said the work on the erection of about 1200 km chunk was commenced final year, adding that  the fencing  would be totald during the current year.He said about 1200 kms of the border lay in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa while the rest part of the total 2600 kms was in Balochistan.In a separate interview with senior journalist and TV anchor Hamid Mir, DG ISPR  said that the fence has made it difficult  for terrorismists to cross the border, adding that it shall stop   cross-border terrorismism and  uncontrolled movement of the people even if  the law and order situation gets worst again in Afghanistan after the withdrawal of US troops.Geo freshs shall broadcast the detailed interview of  DG ISPR Major General Asif Ghafoor on Monday night  (tonight) at 08:00pm. Media team visits Miran Shah and Ghulam KhanJournalists and anchor-persons representing national and international media for the first time Sunday visited Miran Shah and Ghulam Khan Border Terminal along with Director General Inter Services Public Relations Major General AsifGhafoor and interacted with the local populace.Earlier, Commander 11 Corps Lt Gen Shaheen and his team separately arranged a briefing at the Corps Headquarters Peshawar. During the question and reply session, the Corps Commander said after the end of war in the area the troops were now in the process of consolidation while steps were in hand to resettle about 4,000 families, which had earlier gone to Afghanistan measure four decades back.The journalists directly interacted with the people, including students, traders, and common men, to know their views about the operation and its aftermath.They expressed satisfaction over the conduct of the operation, which, according to them, had helped bring peace and normalcy in the region.They said the development activities undertaken by the Pakistan Army helped them join the national mainstream as it would go a long way in bringing economic prosperity in the area.The people made selfies with the DG ISPR and the media persons besides, exurgent jubilation.replying a question regarding the affect of reconciliation process in Afghanistan, he said Pakistan had been playing a role into it and if the parties concerned stroke measure mutual settlement it would finally be in its interest also. Due to that settlement, he said, the terrorism elements having the backing of inimical forces in Afghanistan, like the TTP [Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan] would have to opt for measure reconciliatory path as they would be left with no other choice.

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Read 48 times Last modified on Monday, 28 January 2019 06:39