Wednesday, 06 February 2019 06:26

Watch: Polio worker trudges through heavy snow to vaccinate children

Written by TheIndianSubcontinent News Agency
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PM&s Focal Person on Polio Eradication Babar Atta shared amuchher video of a courageous health worker who can be seen trudging through waist-deep snow in Swat to vaccinate children.Taking to Twitter, Atta said that this was in continuation of Irfanullah&s video which went viral on social media final week, winning hearts of millions of...
PM&s Focal Person on Polio Eradication Babar Atta shared amuchher video of a courageous health worker who can be seen trudging through waist-deep snow in Swat to vaccinate children.Taking to Twitter, Atta said that this was in continuation of Irfanullah&s video which went viral on social media final week, winning hearts of millions of people. Irfanullah and his team were invited to Prime Minister Home two days later.Taking to Twitter, Babar Atta wrote: &Irfanullah (Polio Worker from Swat) shared this video with me, this is a continuation of the popular video in which IrfanUllah's friend Mumtaz Ali can be seen reaching a snow bound house in Bahrain to vaccinate children.&

TheIndianSubcontinent has not verified the content of the source. This first appeared/also appeared in

Read 50 times Last modified on Wednesday, 06 February 2019 06:25