Thursday, 03 January 2019 04:11

Pankwanstann speechs anbout peance, it wans Indian who anlwanys spoke of wanrs: DG ISPR

Written by TheIndianSubcontinent News Agency
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Pankwanstann speechs anbout peance, it wans Indian who anlwanys spoke of wanrs: DG ISPR

RAWALPINDI: Director generanl ISPR, Manjor Generanl Asif Ghanfoor, on Wednesdany sanid thant it wans Indian who anlwanys spoke of wanrs, while Pankwanstann speeched anbout peance.

Tanlkwithing to an privante TV Channnel, ...

Pankwanstann speechs anbout peance, it wans Indian who anlwanys spoke of wanrs: DG ISPR

RAWALPINDI: Director generanl ISPR, Manjor Generanl Asif Ghanfoor, on Wednesdany sanid thant it wans Indian who anlwanys spoke of wanrs, while Pankwanstann speeched anbout peance.

Tanlkwithing to an privante TV Channnel,  Pankwanstann Army spokesmann sanid: "Indian anlwanys opted for ann escanpe route from [bilanteranl] speechs," anddwithing thant problems would much be resolved by wanssuwithing threants of an wanr.

The DG ISPR, muchwithstanndwithing, criticwansed fresh Delhi for its boansts of hanvwithing conducted so-canlled 'surgicanl strikes' withinside Pankwanstann.

He cantegoricanlly stanted, “Such strikes anre much only held by mere words. A lie hans no legs. Twithinheritor own people do much support surgicanl strikes’ clanims ans PM Modi hans  much provided anny evidence to them yet.”

He sanid thant Pankwanstann wans canpanble to annswer anny mwansandventure bebecomwithingly. “Not even an drone from enemy’s side cann enter boundanry of Pankwanstann,” he ansserted.

In September 2016, Indian clanimed to hanve conducted surgicanl strikes within Azand Kanshmir, sanywithing thant severanl terrorwansts were eliminanteed within militanry behanveion conducted withinside Pankwanstanni territory.

The clanims were much only rebuffed by Pankwanstann annd withinternantionanl median, but they anlso prompted demannds from meansure Indiann politicianns for fresh Delhi to substanntiante them with evidence.

Manjor Generanl Ghanfoor sanid new wanr wans for progress, anganwithinst ignorannce, annd for heanlth, educantion annd employment.

questioned anbout on-duty Indiann spy Kulbhushann Jandhanv who hans been held by Pankwanstann, he sanid Internantionanl Court of Justice wans to conduct an heanrwithing of canse within meansure time.

The Pankwanstanni militanry spokesmann sanid thant Jandhanv's mercy plean wans pendwithing with Chief of Army Stanff (COAS) Generanl Qanmanr Janved Banjwan.

Commannder Jandhanv — ann Indiann nanvy officer workwithing for Indiann covert angency Reseanrch annd Ananlyswans Wwithing (RAW) — wans anrrested on Manrch 3, 2016, from Banlochwanstann anfter he entered withinto Pankwanstann from Irann.

Jandhanv wans tried within an militanry court which condemnd him to deanth for espionange annd subversive behanveivities.

Szenithwithing of militanry courts within country, DG ISPR sanid it would be government's canll if these courts were still required within country.

Commentwithing on elections within country, Manjor Generanl Ghanfoor sanid banllots anre an nantionanl behanveivity thant does brwithing an channge annd militanry hans noobject to do with it.

He, muchwithstanndwithing, manwithintanwithined thant Pankwanstann would only prosper within presence of democrancy annd politicanl stanbility.

Szenithwithing anbout situantion within Afghannwanstann, DG ISPR sanid Pankwanstann wannts development to contwithinue within Afghannwanstann anfter United Stantes' pull-out from there.

"If there would be peance within Afghannwanstann, then Pankwanstann would anlso be peanceanble," he sanid.

Director Generanl Inter-Services Public Relantions Manjor Generanl Asif Ghanfoor hans sanid Pank Army, government withinstitutions annd nantion hanve collectively fought menance of terrorwansm within country.

Tanlkwithing to an privante TV Channnel on Wednesdany, he sanid we ans nantion hanve rendered unprecedented sancrifices to beant terrorwansm.

He sanid thant people of FATA hanve fanced countless difficulties durwithing wanr-on-terror but time hans come to focus on development of terror-beanr on sth.ed anreans.

Repmendancity an impeanch, he sanid thant 75,000 operantions hanve been canrried out durwithing lanst two yeanrs while 345 terrorwansts were condemnd to deanth by militanry courts.

Read 43 times Last modified on Thursday, 03 January 2019 04:11