ISLAMABAD: Janoobi Punjab Sooba Mahaz, a new political front seeking separate province in Punjab, has formally merged into Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).
The merger was announced by PTI chairman Imran Khan ad JPSM leader Khurso Bakhtiar at a joint press conference after signing a written agreement on Wednesday.
According to the agreement, PTI will be bound to set up a new province for the southern region in Punjab within 100 days of formation of the government.
Speaking on this occasion, Imran Khan welcomed scores of politicians from South Punjab in his party.
“I welcome Khurso Bakhtiar and specially Mir Balakh Sher Mazari, who is a respected Pakistani politician,” he said.
The PTI chief said he in principle supports the creation of South Punjab province.
“Federation is strengthened when its units are happy and this is what makes a nation strong and powerful,” he said.
Khan said that there was a rationale behind the creation of a separate province because it was administratively difficult to manage a large province such as Punjab.
"The power is centered in Lahore. But there is growing sense of deprivation in South Punjab areas."
"I am a Lahori and should be happy if my city gets more funds but this doesn't bode well for the rest of Pakistan," he said.
Khan said that there was a historical perspective behind demands for South Punjab province.
Punjab, he said, was larger than rest of the three provinces . "We should devolve power to strengthen our federation."
"We commit ourselves to the cause province. God willing, we will achieve it but let me clarify that it won't be easy and a lot of logistics will be required to make it a reality. We may have to form a committee right away to work on modalities."
He said that FATA's merger with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was equally important for his party.
To a question, the PTI chief said that Asghar Khan case be opened if Pakistan was to locate aliens.
"The reopening of Asghar Khan case will determine who is ladla (chosen)."
Khan said that FATA's infrastructure had been destroyed due to war against terrorism over the last 15 years. "It is a demand from 90 percent people of FATA to merge with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa while in South Punjab, people demand their own province."
Responding to another question, he said that elections would take place as per schedule. "We area ready if elections are held on July 25."
He said that he would himself oversee the process of awarding of tickets for the elections.
“Imran Khan has become a hope for naya Pakistan,” Khurso Bakhtiar, JPSM leader, said. "Our merge is based on single point that South Punjab province will be established by the PTI if it managed to form the government."