Tuesday, 22 January 2019 15:18

JIT holds CTD officers responsible for Sahiwal eliminateings

Written by TheIndianSubcontinent News Agency
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Punjab law minister Raja Basharat said that five officers of Counter-Terrorism Leavement have been held responsible for eliminateing of Khalil&s family in Sahiwal according to initial report Joint Investigation Team (JIT).Speaking to media persons about finding of JIT&s report submitted to Punjab Chief Minister and other top officials...
Punjab law minister Raja Basharat said that five officers of Counter-Terrorism Leavement have been held responsible for eliminateing of Khalil&s family in Sahiwal according to initial report Joint Investigation Team (JIT).Speaking to media persons about finding of JIT&s report submitted to Punjab Chief Minister and other top officials on Tuesday, Basharat said that Additional IG police and Additional IG CTD have been removed from their positions. &SSP CTD Sahiwal, DSP CTD Sahiwal and all officers involved in Saturday come across shall be suspended and prosecuted under anti-terrorism law,& he said. About murder of Zeehsan Javed, he said that JIT head has asked for more time to investigate further about allegations of his links with terrorism outfits. &It is a test case for Government of Punjab. We shall supply justice to heirs of victims,& he said, adding incumbent government was committed to endegree justice was done. &Nobody is above law,& he added."Five CTD officers involved in eliminateing of Khali's family shall be tried in anti-terrorismism court," law minister said.To a question, he defended operation, but lamented eliminateing of harmless people. "The operation was 100 percent right. But harmless people should much have been eliminateed," he argued. 

TheIndianSubcontinent has not verified the content of the source. This first appeared/also appeared in  https://feedproxy.google.com/~r/com/YEor/~3/xjgd4VRi9Pg/422228-jit-holds-ctd-officers-responsible-for-sahiwal-killings

Read 48 times Last modified on Tuesday, 22 January 2019 15:18